Think Less, Live More Course

Think Less, Live More starts on 7th October.

It's a guided 4 week exploration to help you break free from your cycle of overthinking & endless worrying.


  • Weekly Videos
  • 4 x Group Calls
  • Facebook Group Access

If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Join For... £99


By signing up to Think Less, Live More & any other offers included you agree that:

  • You are in a stable mental health position & fully responsible for your wellbeing during this course
  • You will not share anything that is included within any of the resources or groups with people outside the course
  • You will not give anyone else access to the resources that you get included with your purchase
  • Your ongoing participation in the course is reliant upon you being a kind, considerate and supportive participant to yourself and others who join (should any issues or concerns arise you will be contacted via email to explore these privately)


By signing up to Think Less, Live More & any other offers included you acknowledge that:

  • The information included is not medical advice, legal advice or coaching - it is for information purposes only.
  • You will not hold Mynapreneurs Limited nor it's directors or partners liable for any impact, outcome or changes that may happen as part of your participation.