A 4 Week Exploration Guiding You To Break Free From Overthinking & Endless Worrying

Starts 7th October | 8 Spaces Available | ÂŁ99


Hello there, Paul here.

I’m so excited to be running Think Less, Live More.

As someone who used to endless think, plan, worry, overthink, plan some more, live in fear, second guess myself and just generally live up in my head I know how exhausting it is and - well to be frank, how much it sucks.

I spent years trying to control my thoughts, make the perfect plan, control things, avoid certain situations - none of it worked.

And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing it hasn’t for you either.

Here’s the thing I know now, all those tools, strategies, apps, planners etc are all just ways to manage or cope with all the thinking in your head.

Even if you find one that works - it never lasts, because it doesn’t get to the root of the issue.

Just like when you weed a garden, you don’t just cut the tops off, you pull them out by the root.

That’s what together we’re going to be doing in Think Less, Live More.

What’s the root of the issue you ask? It’s the unconscious beliefs you have which mean it currently makes complete sense for you to be overthinking and worrying.

I'll be guiding you through a 3 step roadmap that will allow you to uncover your particular unconscious beliefs and then explore them - the result of which is deep lasting transformation (finally break those cycles you've been in for years).

Here's the thing though...

It does take time and effort on your part. I won’t BS you here, undoing a lifetime of unconscious beliefs isn’t going to happen overnight. If you’re looking for a quick fix, this is NOT for you.

Think Less, Live More is about starting your journey of doing the deep inner work necessary for lasting transformation. 

To get the most out of this journey, you’ll need to be committed to self-reflection, exploration, and applying what you learn to your life. 

This inner work might be challenging at times, but what’s on offer is lasting freedom from that cycle of overthinking and worry. And a more easeful, joyful and exciting experience of life.

If that’s what you really want and you’re prepared to go on this journey, I’d like to invite you to join me in Think Less, Live More.

I look forward to welcoming you in the course if it feels like a good fit for you.

Take care, 




4 x Group Calls

We'll come together to answer questions and provide group coaching weekly on Tuesdays (8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th October)

Facebook Group

You'll also join a private group just for participants where you can ask questions, get more support & stay up to date with everything.

Weekly Videos

At the start of each week you'll get a couple videos to guide you on this journey.

1:1 Sessions

Optional extra to have 2 x 60 min one to one sessions with Paul to go even deeper.

How It Works: Uncover, Explore, Transform

We’re not just addressing the surface-level symptoms of overthinking and worry - we’re going deep to the root of the issue. Below is the roadmap I will guide you on to start breaking free from all that thinking.

Step 1: Uncover Your Unconscious Beliefs

Through guided exercises and weekly resources, you'll begin to identify the unconscious beliefs that are creating your overthinking and worry.

It is only by becoming aware of and bringing these beliefs to the surface that you will be able to transform them.

Step 2: Explore Their Truth and Usefulness

As you become aware of these beliefs, we’ll explore them together in the group sessions. We’ll question their validity - are they really true? Are they helpful? Do you want to keep them?

It is only this step of reflection, curiosity and exploration that you can start to see these beliefs in different lights.

Step 3: Transform Your Life (without trying)

As you implement steps 1 & 2 you will find that how it makes sense for you to show up to life effortlessly changes.

This step of the roadmap is all about equipping you to be able to deepen what you've seen, live it rather than just know it and how you can continue this process without always needing support.

Dates & Details

Start Date - 7th October

Group Call Dates - 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th

Group Call Times - 7PM UK time 

 Resources - released on October 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th

Facebook Group - opens 7th Oct & closes 3rd Nov




  • 4 Week Group Course
  • 4 x Group Coaching Calls
  • Video Resources
  • Facebook Group Access

COURSE + 1:1


  • 4 Week Group Course
  • 4 x Group Coaching Calls
  • Video Resources
  • Facebook Group Access
  • 2 x 60 Min 1:1 Sessions With Paul

About Paul

Hi there, Paul here. I will be your coach & guide on this 4 week exploration of your overthinking & worrying.

I've created this course to help people who, like I did, struggle with living up in their head all the time.

I know it sucks. I know you want it to change. And I know you've tried a lot of stuff already.

I was the same. And it wasn't until I went on the journey I'm inviting you to start with me that things changed.

It's a journey of uncovering and exploring the unconscious beliefs that currently make your overthinking & worrying automatic. 

If you're curious to hear more click below to join my free workshop where I'll share how you really can Think Less & Live More...



It's Not An Instruction, It's An Invitation